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Council Member, Registrant

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) is looking to fill registrant vacancies on Council commencing on October 1, 2022, for a three-year term ending on September 30, 2025.

What’s New?

In March 2022, Council voted to replace the election process used to fill registrant (registered nurse and nurse practitioner) vacancies on Council with a competency-based selection and appointment process. The CRNA bylaws and governance policies were amended in May 2022 to support this change. The process was approved at the June 2022 Council meeting.

What Does This Mean?

The change to competency-based selection and appointment means the CRNA will not hold elections to fill registrant Council vacancies. Instead, registrants who are interested in serving on Council will apply for appointment as a Council member through a fair and objective process, similar to applying for a job.

Interested in Serving on Council?

Being on Council is an exciting opportunity, which carries an important responsibility and time commitment. If you are interested in serving on Council, review the information below.


Important Dates

  • June 27
    Recruitment opens
  • July 15
    Deadline for submission of the expression of interest
  • Aug. 10–19
    Applicant interviews occur
  • Sept. 22-23
    Council reviews and approves recommendations for appointment
  • Oct. 1
    Terms of appointment for registrants on Council begin
  • Dec. 8-9
    First Council meeting for newly appointed members


About Council and the College

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) is a health profession regulatory college. It has been delegated the authority under the Health Professions Act (HPA) to govern Alberta’s registered nurses, nurse practitioners, certified graduate nurses, graduate nurses and graduate nurse practitioners. The HPA places significant responsibilities on all regulatory colleges, including the CRNA, to protect the public and hold registrants accountable for the care they provide. Responsibilities of the College include:

  • Approving education programs for entry into the profession
  • Setting registration and registration renewal requirements
  • Setting, maintaining and enforcing practice, conduct and ethical standards for the care registrants provide
  • Setting continuing competence requirements for registrants to maintain competency in their practice over time​​
  • Receiving, investigating and addressing complaints
  • Holding registrants accountable for their practice and behaviour
  • Maintaining a public register ​​
  • Providing regulatory information to registrants

The Council is made up of sixteen members:

  • Eight (8) regulated registered nurses or nurse practitioners
  • Eight (8) public members appointed by the Government of Alberta 

The new competency-based selection and appointment process applies to filling registrant Council vacancies only. The Government of Alberta will continue to be responsible for appointing Council’s public members.

The Council is guided by the Health Professions Act (HPA), the Registered Nurses Profession Regulation, and its bylaws and governance policies. The mandate is to govern the profession in the public interest. The Council is responsible for setting the College’s strategic direction with the legal and financial duty to discharge its responsibilities for the benefit of the public. The Council is also accountable for oversight of the CRNA pension plan.

Learn more about the Council’s role by reading the Council Charter. The Council receives support from three governance committees comprised of Council members:

  • Finance and Audit Committee – Advises Council on financial and audit matters; recommends annual budgets to Council | Charter
  • Leadership Review and Governance Committee – Oversees the performance and recruitment of the CEO and registrar, the evaluation of the Council, regulatory and governance committees and the chair, and the governance practices and policies | Charter
  • Nominating Committee – Assists Council in ensuring members of Council and regulatory and governance committees have the experience, knowledge, skills and character to enable them to fulfill their roles and the public protection mandate | Charter

The role of Council members is to collectively make decisions within the context of the mandate to protect the public interest. Council members are not involved in running the College’s day-to-day operations.

Learn about the Councillor Expectations Policy.

Registrant members of Council are:

  • Appointed for a three-year term
  • Are eligible for reappointment for a second consecutive three-year term

The role of a Council member is a commitment. Council members must be available for:

  • A three-year term of appointment
  • Attending four two-day Council meetings per year
  • Attending approximately 12 additional days per year for ad hoc meetings, orientation, training and development, and governance committee participation
  • Preparing for meetings; materials are provided in advance of each meeting
  • Attending meetings virtually or in person, as required

The first Council meeting for newly appointed members is December 8-9, 2022. The 2023 meetings are:

  • March 23-24, 2023
  • June 22-23, 2023
  • September 22-23, 2023

Registered nurses or nurse practitioners who are interested in being considered for appointment to Council must:


Ready to Apply?

All expression of interests and resumes must be submitted through the confidential and secure portal.

The expression of interest will ask you to:

  • Provide your contact information
  • Introduce yourself
  • Self-evaluate your competencies and attributes*
  • Upload and submit your resume

*The desired competencies and attributes are what Council should possess as a group. Do not be discouraged from applying just because you only have a couple of these competencies and attributes - they may be exactly what Council is looking for. Everyone will possess a small number of them, and so contribute to the collective body.

Deadline: July 15, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. MT.



If you have questions about the expression of interest or the technology, contact Governance Solutions Inc. at 1-888-698-3971.

If you have questions about the process or Council, contact the CRNA.

Contact Us


Frequently Asked Questions

It should take you 20 – 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The system will retain entered data if you ensure cookies are enabled, that you don’t clear your cache between sessions and that you connect via the same device each time.

Eligible applicants must be Alberta residents. They are not required to live in Edmonton.

Being a member of the Council is an important responsibility that will require a time commitment during business hours on weekdays. You may be required to take time away from work. Use your judgment to determine how to advise your employer.

After all expression of interests have been reviewed and assessed against the Council Competencies and Attributes Profile, applicants that are a match will receive an interview.

Applicants shortlisted for an interview will be contacted between August 2 – 5, 2022.

Interviews will take place between August 10 – 19, 2022.

All interviews will be facilitated virtually.

If you are being considered for recommendation for appointment, you will be required to provide references. These references will be contacted before your recommendation can be considered final.

Individuals appointed to Council will receive an onboarding/information session and a Council orientation session.

Council members must be willing to commit to a three-year term of appointment. Each year they must attend four two-day Council meetings and an additional 12 days for ad hoc meetings, orientation, training and development, and governance committee participation. Council members are also required to review meeting materials in advance of meetings.

Appointed Council members are considered volunteers. They are, however, remunerated on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent in meetings. They are also reimbursed for associated travel, meal and accommodation expenses.

Meetings will be held in person at the College’s office in Edmonton, Alberta.

Address: 11120 187 St NW, Edmonton, AB.

Historically, meetings are held on Thursdays and Fridays during the College’s business hours.

Historically, Council meetings were held in-person at the College. During the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings have mainly been virtual. Now that public health restrictions have been lifted, in-person meetings may resume.

Each Council governance committee meets at least four (4) times per year, typically in the lead-up to Council meetings.

Council governance committees typically meet during Monday to Friday business hours.

Council governance committees’ meetings were historically in person but were held virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The only travel required is for in-person meetings. Council members who do not live in the Edmonton area are reimbursed for required travel, meal and accommodation expenses when attending in-person meetings.