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Regulatory Committees, Public Representative

Apply to a regulatory committee and make a difference by contributing to the process that protects patients.

Who Can Apply?

All applicants must satisfy the following:

  • Be a resident of Alberta
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Cannot be a spouse, partner, child, or parent of a Council member
  • Cannot be a current or former the CRNA employee
  • Must be comfortable using the required computer and internet connection requirements
  • Meet the Regulatory Committees Competencies & Attributes Profile

Conflicts of Interest

Individuals appointed must ensure their personal interests do not interfere with their public duties as a committee member. An applicant can still be in consideration for appointment after a disclosure. The Conflict of Interest Protocol outlines the CRNA's requirements and disclosure process. 

Reflecting the Diversity of Alberta

When committees reflect a community's diversity, we serve the public properly. The application contains an optional diversity section to achieve access, equity and reconciliation on committees. Identities will be confidential to the nominating committee, and they only report the responses in summary.


Two committees have public representative seats open: competence and registration review. Applicants are to provide a resume, short biography and three references during the application.

Applicants will be contacted by Governance Solutions in their support of the recruitment process. The nominating committee will review the applications and balance the selection using the Regulatory Committee Selection Policy.  After interviews and reference checks, successful applicants will receive notification after Council's decision in late September.

Time Commitment by Committee


The committee meets when required, and representatives must prepare to participate in meetings.
Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent on committee business. The committee receives compensation for prep time and meetings, and representatives will spend 15 hours on responsibilities per case.


The committee meets three times a year, and representatives must prepare and participate in meetings.<

Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent. The committee receives compensation for meetings, and representatives will spend 32 hours on their responsibilities per year.

Complaint Review

The committee meets five to ten times a year, and representatives must prepare to participate in meetings.

Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent. The committee receives compensation for prep time and meeting, and representatives will spend 30 hours on their responsibilities per year.

Hearing Tribunal

The tribunal meets for 20 to 30 hearings per year, and a different subset of representatives prepare to participate in each hearing.

Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent on tribunal business. The tribunal receives compensation for meetings; and representatives will spend 50 to 100 hours on their responsibilities per year.

Nursing Education Program Approval

The committee meets for four hours quarterly, and representatives must prepare to participate in meetings.

Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent on committee business. The committee receives compensation for meetings, and representatives will spend 96 hours on their responsibilities per year.


The committee meets two to three days per meeting, every six to eight weeks. Individuals must prepare and participate in meetings.

Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent. The committee receives compensation for meetings, and representatives will spend 124 hours on their responsibilities per year.

Registration Review

The committee meets three to five times a year, and representatives must prepare and participate in meetings.

Remuneration is on a per diem rate of $205 for less than four (4) hours and $375 for equal to or over four (4) hours spent. The committee receives compensation for meetings, and representatives will spend 80 hours on their responsibilities per year.