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College Bylaws

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) maintains its bylaws as per the Health Professions Act. This legislation authorizes the CRNA’s Council to establish bylaws related to governance, administration, regulatory functions and other areas of its operations.

Policy Number: Bylaws Effective Date: January 1, 2022
Last Review Date: December 2021 Next Review Date: March 2022
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents: -

The College Bylaws apply to the CRNA’s employees, committees, Council and registrants. Bylaws are made accessible to the public to increase transparency about the CRNA's operations. 

Part 1 - General

Part 2 - Governance

Part 3 - Elections

Part 4 - College Register

Part 5 - Registration

Part 6 - Professional Conduct

Part 7 - Nursing Education Program Approval Committee (NEPAC)

Part 8 - Administration