Nurse Login

1. Definitions

In these Bylaws:

  1. "Act" means the “Health Professions Act” (H-7 as amended);
  2. "College" and "CARNA" mean the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta;
  3. “Chair” means the President of Council as appointed by Council referenced in Section 4(3) of the Act.
  4. "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar of the College;
  5. "Practice Year" means the period of time from October 1 to the following September 30;
  6. "NEPAC" means the Nursing Education Program Approval Committee established by Motion No. 1 at the March 25, 1999 Council meeting;
  7. "Council" means the Council of CARNA, established under Section 5 of the Act;
  8. "Regulations" means council regulations made under Section 131 of the Act.
  9. "Health Authority Board" means the governing body of a health authority under Alberta's Regional Health Authorities Act (R-10 as amended).

Terms that are defined in the Act and the regulations have the same meaning in these bylaws.