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4. Vacant Positions on Council

4.1. Registered Nurse Member

  1. If a Registered Nurse member of Council, other than the Chair is unable to complete their term of office, Council shall appoint the individual who was the runner-up in the last election for the position as a replacement, to serve the remainder of the term of office.
  2. If the position cannot be filled according to subsection (a) above:.
    1. Council can appoint an interim Registered Nurse member who meets the nomination requirements specified by the Nominating Committee to the position until the next regularly scheduled CARNA election, and
    2. the term of the position will be adjusted to maintain the one-third turnover rate in accordance with article 3.3.
  3. If a vacancy occurs as a result of a lack of candidates for the position, and a Council member is unable to fulfill their commitment under article 3.3 (b) of these Bylaws:.
    1. Council can appoint an interim Registered Nurse member who meets the nomination requirements in specified by the Nominating Committee to the position until the next regularly scheduled CARNA election, and
    2. the term of the position will be adjusted to maintain the one-third turnover rate in accordance with article 3.3.

4.2. Change of Residence

If a member of Council ceases to be a resident of Alberta during their term of office, that member automatically resigns their position on Council.

4.3. The Chair

  1. Whenever there will be a vacancy in the position of Chair for the upcoming year, Council shall elect a Chair from among the voting members of Council.  The term of Chair is two years with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
  2. If a member of Council is in their 3rd consecutive or 6th consecutive year on Council and is elected by Council to serve as Chair, then notwithstanding article 3.3 and Part III:
    1. the term of the Chair on Council is extended to four years so that they can complete their two-year term as Chair.
    2. the Chair does not need to seek re-election to Council for their second year as Chair.

4.4. Vacancy of Chair

If a vacancy occurs in the position of Chair the remaining members of Council may determine whether or not to fill the vacancy and may make such appointments or arrangements as they consider appropriate in the circumstances.