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9. Registers and Records

9.1. Historical Record

The Registrar shall continue the historical record of every person registered as a Registered Nurse containing such information as the Registrar considers appropriate. In addition, the College shall maintain a historical archive containing such information as the College deems appropriate.

9.2. Name to be used on the register

  1. For the purposes of the registers, the regulated member must provide the College with their full legal name. “Full legal name” means a person's first and last name and is the name:
    • set out on the person's birth certificate or record of birth;
    • set out on the person's certificate of change of name; or
    • the name taken by the person after they get married or divorced.
  2. The Registrar may, at any time, verify the regulated member's full legal name by requiring the regulated member to provide proof of their full legal name in a form that is satisfactory to the Registrar. This may include: a driver's license; passport; permanent resident card; birth certificate; record of birth; certificate of change of name; marriage certificate; or divorce certificate.
  3. The regulated member's full legal name is the name that will appear in the register and on the regulated ember's practice permit and must also be the name used by the regulated member in their practice setting.
  4. Notwithstanding subsection (c), a regulated member may make a request to the Registrar to use a name other than their full legal name in the register, on their practice permit and in the practice setting. The Registrar may grant the regulated member's request if the Registrar is satisfied that extenuating circumstances exist. 
  5. If a regulated member's full legal name changes, they must inform CARNA of the change and, if the Registrar requests, provide proof of the change of name in a form that is satisfactory to the Registrar. This may include: a driver's license; passport; permanent resident card; birth certificate; record of birth; certificate of change of name; marriage certificate; or divorce certificate. 

9.3. Changes to Information

  1. The Registrar may add to or remove information from any register of the College.
  2. Upon the direction of the Council, a Hearing Tribunal, the Registration Committee, a Complaint Review Committee or the Competence Committee, the Registrar may correct or remove any entry made in error in a register of the College.
  3. No registration or practice permit shall be cancelled except in accordance with the Act.

9.4. Written and Computer Records

The registers established by the Act and these Bylaws may be maintained in a written record or by means of a computer record, or both.

9.5. Access to Personal Information

  1. A member of the College may request access to the information on their record through the College's Privacy Officer.
  2. In accordance with the Act, a member of the public may request information on the register respecting a named regulated member, and the College must provide the following information:
    1. the full name of the regulated member;
    2. the regulated member's registration number;
    3. whether the regulated member's registration is restricted to a period of time and, if so, the period of time;
    4. any conditions on the regulated member's practice permit;
    5. the status of the regulated member's practice permit, including whether it is suspended or cancelled;
    6. the regulated member's practice specialization recognized by the College;
    7. whether the member is authorized to provide a restricted activity not normally provided by regulated members of the College;
    8. whether the member is not authorized to provide a restricted activity that is normally provided by regulated members of the College;
    9. whether the regulated member has been directed to cease providing professional services by the Complaints Director.
  3. An employer or a governing body of a similar profession in Alberta or elsewhere may request information about the status of an individual’s application for registration with the College, and the College may provide the following information at its discretion:
    1. whether the individual has commenced an application for registration;
    2. the status of the individual’s application for registration, including whether the application is complete;
    3. the approximate time frame within which the application is expected to be decided.
  4. No other information recorded on any College register may be disclosed without the individual's consent to the disclosure in writing, except where required by the Act, Regulations, or other legislation.

9.6. Determination of Residence

When it is necessary to determine the residence of a member for any purpose under the Act, Regulations or these Bylaws, the residence of the member shall be considered for all purposes to be the address of the member recorded in the Register unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws.

9.7. Application Date for Renewal of Annual Practice Permit

  1. An annual practice permit expires on September 30th each year, unless otherwise provided for in the Act.
  2. Each regulated member must submit a complete application including fee payment and all information required by the Registrar under section 40(1) of the Act and section 21 of the Council Regulations, by September 30 of each year. The application must indicate whether the member is applying for a practice permit or for non-practicing membership.
  3. An application for renewal of an annual practice permit will not be assessed until it is complete as defined in (b) above.
  4. A reinstatement fee will be charged on any application for renewal of an annual practice permit received after September 30.
  5. A regulated member whose complete application as defined in 9.6 (b) above, is not received by September 30th, will have their practice permit suspended until they have met all outstanding requirements, and may have their registration cancelled pursuant to the Act.

9.8. Reissuing of Practice Permit, Reinstatement of Registration

  1. A regulated member whose practice permit and registration are cancelled only for non-payment of fees may have the practice permit reissued and registration reinstated upon payment of any outstanding fees.
  2. A regulated member whose practice permit is suspended under Section 40(2)(c) of the Act may apply for the practice permit to be reissued (within the same practice year) by submitting to the Registrar a written application for reissuing of a practice permit, including a complete application as defined in  9.6(b) above and evidence of meeting outstanding conditions on the preceding practice permit.  The regulated member's practice permit may be subject to conditions, upon being reissued.
  3. A regulated member whose practice permit and /or registration are cancelled under Section 43(4) of the Act, may apply for the practice permit to be reissued and registration to be reinstated by submitting a complete application as defined in 9.6(b) above, and a written application for reinstatement to the Registrar. The member's practice permit may be subject to conditions, upon being reissued/reinstated.
  4. A person who continues to provide nursing services as defined by the Act while their registration or practice permit is suspended, cancelled or expired, is in contravention of legislation and may be referred to the Complaints Director or be subject to penalty according to the HPA.  If the registration is reinstated and/or a practice permit reissued, the registration and practice permit may be subject to conditions, and the contravention may be reported to the Complaints Director.