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24. Publication of Conduct Information

  1. Subject to Section 135.93 of the Act and subject to the Registrar's, or delegate's, discretion under section 21(e) below to redact personal information, decisions of Hearing Tribunals and panels of Council in which there is a finding of unprofessional conduct shall be published and shall include the investigated person's name.
  2. The method of publication shall be determined by the Registrar, or delegate, and may include publication on CARNA's website.
  3. Publication of the decisions of Hearing Tribunals and panels of Council may include a summary of the decision or the full decision or both.
  4. If a decision of a Hearing Tribunal or panel of Council is under appeal, the Registrar, or delegate, has the discretion to either withhold publishing until all appeals are completed or, alternatively, to publish the decision but add a notation that the decision is under appeal. If a decision of a Council panel is appealed to the Court of Appeal, then a note on the outcome of the appeal shall be included with the publication of the Hearing Tribunal and panel of Council decision.
  5. The Registrar, or delegate, may direct that personal information be redacted from the decisions of Hearing Tribunal and panels of Council. In considering what personal information shall be redacted from the decisions, the Registrar, or delegate, shall consider:
    1. the privacy interests of the individuals who's personal or health information may be disclosed;
    2. the public interest in ensuring that CARNA's conduct process is open and transparent;
    3. the need to educate the public and CARNA's regulated members about the issues addressed in the decisions;
    4. any other matters that are considered by the Registrar, or delegate, to be relevant
  6. Subject to Section 135.92(3) of the Act, the Registrar, or delegate, may determine the length of time the decisions of Hearing Tribunals and panels of Council shall be published.
  7. Sections 26(a) to (e) above apply only to:
    1. Decisions of Hearing Tribunals made after sections 26(a) to (f) above come into effect on or after November 15, 2019;
    2. Decisions of panels of Councils with respect to appeals of decisions of Hearing Tribunals made after 26(a) to (f) above come into effect.
  8. The Registrar, or delegate, may publish information concerning scheduled hearings of Hearing Tribunals and scheduled appeals to be heard by Council in accordance with the following:
    1. The information to be published may include the date, location, and time of the hearing or appeal; the name of the investigated person; and the allegations or a summary of the allegations.
    2. The method of publication shall be determined by the Registrar, or delegate, and may include publication on CARNA's website.
    3. The Registrar, or delegate, may direct that personal or health information be redacted from the summary of upcoming hearings and appeals taking into consideration the factors set out in section 26 (e) above.
  9. When the Alternative Complaint Resolution process results in a ratified settlement between the parties, the College may publish information respecting the complaint and the ratified settlement, and may reveal the identity of the complainant and/or the investigated person, if authorized to do so pursuant to the ratified settlement.
  10. When a Complaint Resolution Agreement process results in a ratified settlement between the parties, the College may publish information respecting the complaint and the ratified settlement and may reveal the identity of the complainant and/or the investigated person, as per CARNA's policy.