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27. Chief Executive Officer and Registrar

  1. Council shall appoint a Registered Nurse as Chief Executive Officer and Registrar of the College.
  2. The Chief Executive Officer and Registrar is responsible for the operation of and overseeing the administration of the College as directed by the Council from time to time and in accordance with these Bylaws.
  3. The Chief Executive Officer and Registrar shall perform all duties required of and exercise the powers provided to the Registrar in the Act, the Regulations and these Bylaws.
  4. The Chief Executive Officer and Registrar reports to the Council.
  5. The Chief Executive Officer and Registrar may delegate in writing any of their duties and responsibilities to another person with or without conditions.

27.1. Acting Chief Executive Officer and Registrar

  1. If the office of the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar becomes vacant or the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar otherwise becomes incapable of acting for any reason, Council may appoint an Acting Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, who shall have all the powers and duties of the Registrar under the Act, the Regulations and these bylaws.
  2. The Acting Chief Executive Officer and Registrar holds office until:
    1. The Chief Executive Officer and Registrar again becomes capable of acting;
    2. Council appoints a new Chief Executive Officer and Registrar; or
  3. Council terminates the appointment of the Acting Chief Executive Officer and Registrar