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35. Website

The type of information that may be published on CARNA’s website in addition to the information in Section 135.92 (2) of the Act is as follows:

  1. general information about CARNA and its activities;
  2. general information about the nursing profession, general information on nursing practice, general information about the regulatory processes under the Act including applying for registration, applying for practice permits, the professional conduct process including complaints and concerns, continuing competence and other matters covered by the Act;
  3. find a nurse function which includes the following information about regulated and former regulated members’ registration and practice permits: history, status, numbers, conditions and any other authorizations, certifications, restrictions and/or limitations.
  4. employer verification of the status of a regulated member;
  5. publications and reports;
  6. resources and services offered by CARNA;
  7. learning opportunities;
  8. careers at CARNA;
  9. information requests, regulated member requests;
  10. a CARNA website portal for regulated members;
  11. information on how to contact CARNA;
  12. Hearing Tribunal decisions including the name of the investigated person;
  13. decisions of the Appeals Committee arising from appeals from a Hearing Tribunal; and
  14. information referenced in Section 119(1) of the Act.