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GP06 - Council Member's Code of Conduct

Policy Number: Governance Policy 6 Effective Date: April 1, 2021
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: November 2021
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  

Ethical conduct by members of Council is critical to competent, conscientious and effective governance. The effectiveness of Council depends upon the commitment of each Council member to a high standard of personal conduct.

A decision to serve on Council represents a commitment to govern with excellence. Each Council member shall execute a pledge to comply with the Code of Conduct policy. (Refer to Appendix)

  1. Fulfillment of duties
    1. All members of Council have equal governance responsibilities to fulfill their shared commitment to the Council Charter.
    2. Council members shall be conscientious in attending meetings regularly, participating on committees as required and ensuring that they are well prepared to address issues and questions that come before Council for consideration and decision.
    3. Council members shall notify the Chair or committee Chair as appropriate, in advance of the reason for any non-attendance for scheduled Council work.
  2. Respect for authority of Council
    1. The individual Council member is authorized to exercise the duties and responsibilities of his or her office on behalf of the College only when acting in support of Council decisions and messaging.
    2. The individual Council member has no authority to instruct or evaluate the College's CEO and Registrar, staff or contractors.
    3. Individual Council members shall read and abide by all governance processes of the College.
  3. Conscientious commitment to the governance process
    1. Council members shall be loyal to the College and Council and shall be accountable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of their office honestly and in the best interest of members of the public. This accountability supersedes the personal interest of any Council member acting as an individual member of the College or the public, or of a particular stakeholder group or other organization.
    2. If a Council member has a personal issue as a recipient of the College's services, they shall have the same rights as any other member, but no special privilege as a member of Council.
    3. Council members shall observe Council procedures and display courteous conduct in all Council and committee meetings.
    4. Council members shall never use Council procedures to obstruct or subvert the work of Council.
    5. Council members shall discuss Council performance in a constructive and respectful manner.
    6. Council members shall support, in a positive manner, all actions taken by Council even if the member is in a minority position on such actions.
  4. Conflict of interest
    1. Council members shall declare any real, potential or perceived conflict of interest and shall at all times comply with the College's Conflict of Interest Protocol.
  5. Confidentiality
    1. Council members will not communicate, either directly or indirectly, information designated confidential to anyone not entitled to receive the same. This shall apply in perpetuity.
    2. As external technology users, the College Councillors should be aware that the technology they use through the College SharePoint sites, Internet communications and email usage is bound by confidentiality and is considered confidential and is not to be discussed or divulged to any unauthorized persons. This applies to all information that is personal information as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the College Privacy Policy, as well as operational or business information that is part of the day-to-day activity of the College. It is the technology user’s responsibility to ensure that the information they access is secure and no printouts, copies, emails or files are left open or exposed. (Refer to Appendix).
  6. Freedom of information
    1. All College Councillors should be aware that any time they communicate with public bodies for or on behalf of the College, such communications may be subject to disclosure to a member of the public who makes an information access request to the public body under relevant Acts. Public bodies would include but not be limited to any government agency or office.
  7. Council will:
    1. Distribute this Code to potential Council members as part of the elections process.
    2. Incorporate this Code into its Council manual.
    3. Keep signed copies of the Council Code of Conduct secure in a file kept by the CEO and Registrar in the College office.
    4. Review the Code with new Council members and in the regular Council orientation.


Council Members’ Code of Conduct and External Technology User Confidentiality Agreement

As a Council member, I hereby agree to:

  1. Act honestly and in good faith, in the best interests of the Alberta public.
  2. Use the degree of skill and diligence that is expected of my knowledge and experience to support public safety.
  3. Be loyal to the College and to endorse and support the College’s strategy.
  4. Comply with the Health Professions Act and all other relevant legislation, regulations, Bylaws, and Governance Policies.
  5. Treat other Council members, regulated members, the CEO and Registrar and College staff fairly and with respect.
  6. Disclose promptly and fully every personal conflict of interest with the College to Council.
  7. Maintain confidentiality of confidential information learned while performing Council member duties.
  8. Participate in the College as authorized in the Bylaws and/or by the full Council.
  9. Act under the External Technology User Confidentiality Agreement as outlined below.
  10. External Technology Users are defined as non-the College staff users.

The following conditions form an agreement between the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta, hereinafter referred to as the College, and __________________________, (name) hereinafter referred to as Council Member.


All information that a Council member has access to or may encounter while doing the College business whether it be on SharePoint sites, email or other electronic methods is considered confidential and not to be discussed nor divulged to any unauthorized persons. This applies to all information that is personal information as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the the College Privacy Policy, as well as operational or business information that is part of the day-to-day activity of the College It is the Council member’s responsibility to ensure that the information they access is secure and no printouts, copies, emails, or files are left open or exposed.

College SharePoint sites

Council members with access to SharePoint sites are responsible for the information they have access to and need to ensure that the information is kept secure. Due diligence should be exercised to ensure that information on the site is secure and only encrypted keys provided by the College with unshared passwords are used to copy information. The SharePoint user who is accessing or viewing confidential information on a computer system not owned by the College is responsible for deleting any information that was saved on the computer as well as deleting temporary Internet files before signing off. It is the SharePoint user’s responsibility to ensure memory keys and any other information is kept in a safe place that only the legitimate users have access to. When a term expires, encrypted keys must be returned to the College.

Internet Communications

Access to the Internet has been provided to Council members for the benefit of conducting College business when using College devices or the College wireless network. It allows Council members to connect to information resources around the world. Every Council member has a responsibility to maintain and enhance the College's public image and to use the Internet in a productive manner.

Council members accessing the Internet on College devices are representing the College and as such are responsible for using the Internet in a professional and ethical manner. Council members can use the College provided devices or the College wireless network to check personal email or accounts but should limit access to breaks and lunch to minimize disruption to the Committee/Council. Sending of fraudulent, harassing or obscene messages is prohibited.

Information published on the Internet should not violate or infringe upon the rights of others. No abusive, profane or offensive language is to be transmitted through the system. The Internet should not be used for personal social interaction, personal gain or advancement of individual views. Solicitation of non-College business or any use of the Internet for personal gain is strictly prohibited. Council members should not use the Internet or any technology for any illegal downloads or put the College in any situation whereby the College is represented in an unprofessional manner.

Email usage

Council members are issued a College email account to conduct College business. All College electronic communications must be conducted using the assigned College account and saved for use as a business record by the College. The College reserves the right to monitor, scan and view the College email accounts with or without the knowledge of the Council member.

Expectation of Privacy

Council members should be aware that all information created, stored, and transmitted in the course of Council operations remains part of the corporate record and may be subject to requests or audits as defined by legislation. It is possible that employees of the College may directly access Council records or accounts, and may inadvertently view information, in the course of carrying out their responsibilities related to technical support or information governance. The College policy prohibits information being sought, shared or used by employees that is not directly related to them carrying out their job responsibilities.

I have read and understood policy Council Member’s Code of Conduct. By signing below, I also acknowledge understanding and agreement and will comply with the CARNA External Technology User Agreement.

I understand this policy and agree to abide by the code and procedures. At present, I do not have, nor do I anticipate having in the future, a conflict of interest. I agree to disclose any conflict of interest that arises to the following appropriate person: Chair, CEO and Registrar or Committee Chair.

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Council member name (please print) Council member signature
Date signed