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GP12 - Council and Committees’ Performance Review Framework

Policy Number: GP 12 Effective Date: April 2021
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: November 2021
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  


This document outlines the process for evaluating the performance of the College’s Council, Committees (both Regulatory and Governance Committees), Chairs, and individual Council and Committee members.


The Leadership Review and Governance Committee (LRGC) is responsible for the facilitation of this evaluation process and the development of subsequent development plans as outlined in its Charter.

Principles of Performance Oversight


    Performance oversight of the Council and Committees must be a collaborative process that provides opportunity for input from Council, senior staff who interact with Council and Committees, and in some instances, external stakeholders.  Interviews with individual Council and Committee members and relevant stakeholders are part of this collaborative process.

    Council and Committee members must be supported in this process and they will have access to the LRGC for direction and support as desired throughout the evaluation process.


    Performance oversight must be linked with the strategic priorities of the mandate of the organization.


    Performance will be assessed annually and based on the charters of Council and Committees, and any development goals established at the beginning of the year.

    Council and Committees are committed to continuous feedback and evaluation. With this in mind, they will set aside sufficient time in their meetings, throughout the year, for evaluation.


    The metrics used to evaluate performance will be established based on the charters and other policies enacted by the College and/or the Health Professionals Act. Metrics from agreed Council and/or Committee development plans will also be included.


    Annually the LRGC will prepare an evaluation plan for the College’s Council and Committees. The LRGC will prepare this in consultation with the Chair of Council and Committee Chairs. Council and LRGC will agree on the scope and methodology of evaluations to be conducted each year.


    The plan will include:

    • The suggested timing of the evaluations.
    • Any special issues or development needs the LRGC recommends be included in the current evaluation.
    • A budget recommendation.

    Once presented to and approved by Council, the LRGC will:

    • Circulate the plan to the Chairs of Committees for information.
    • Recruit an external governance expert to assist with the evaluation process.
    • Conduct the evaluation process together with the external governance expert.

    When the evaluation process is completed, the LRGC will:

    • Prepare a report outlining the findings of the evaluation for Council and Committees for Council’s consideration. The report will include recommendations for learning and development, based on Council’s Charter and the Councillor Expectations Policy.
    • Provide the Chair of Council with the evaluation results for individual Council members and Committee Chairs for feedback.
    • Provide the Chairs of Committees with the evaluation results for individual Committee members for feedback.

    With the support of the LRGC, Council will monitor progress of the evaluation process including the implementation of any recommended improvements.


Evaluation plan: The plan is developed in partnership and in collaboration between the Leadership Review and Governance Committee and Council.

Evaluation period: Annually.

Evaluation process: The process of evaluation, negotiated in partnership with and in collaboration between the Leadership Review and Governance Committee and Council, its Committees and their Chairs.

Evaluation process timeline: Timeline for the evaluation period from yearly goals, to presentation at LRGC to final evaluation presented to Council and Committees.

External governance professional: An external consultant sourced who is a) completely at arms-length from the College and b) a specialist is in board, committee and chair evaluations.

Performance expectations: The degree to which Council, Committees, chairs and individual members met expectations as outlined in their respective charters and the Councillor Expectations Policy

Senior Staff: Members of the executive leadership team.