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GP14E - Nursing Education Program Approval Committee (NEPAC) Charter

Policy Number: GP 14E Effective Date: April 1, 2021
Last Review Date: March 2021 Next Review Date: March 2022
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  
  1. Establishment (Bylaws)

    Council may establish governance policies addressing, among other matters, the appointment, composition, quorum and procedures for the Registration Committee, Registration Review Committee, Continuing Competence Committee and the Nursing Education Program Approval Committee.

  2. Duties and Powers (Bylaws)

    NEPAC may:

    1. approve an entry to practice program of study, as an “approved nursing program” leading to initial entry to practice as a Registered Nurse, or as a Nurse Practitioner; or re-entry to practice as a Registered Nurse; in accordance with nursing education standards and criteria approved by Council and after consulting with and considering the comments of the Minister of Health and the Minister of  Advanced Education;
    2. remove approval from an “approved nursing program” in accordance with nursing education standards and criteria approved by Council and after consulting with and considering the comments of the Minister of Health and the Minister of  Advanced Education;
    3. undertake any other power or duty given to it under the Act, the Regulation, or the Bylaws;
    4. subject to the Act, execute any powers and duties delegated by Council;
    5. assess a nursing education course or program of study as requested by the CEO & Registrar;
    6. establish the minimum nursing education standards and criteria required to obtain and maintain the designation of an approved nursing education program, which must be ratified by Council before they become effective;
    7. maintain a continuing review of compliance with nursing education standards and criteria;
    8. continue a collaborative process to serve the interests of the public in the delivery of nursing education;
    9. maintain effective links among stakeholders having an interest in the development, delivery, and evaluation of nursing education programs in Alberta.
  3. Composition

    1. NEPAC is composed of persons appointed as follows:
      • three persons (3) appointed by Council as provided by the educational institutions delivering nursing education programs leading to entry to practice as a Registered Nurse;
      • two (2) persons appointed by Council as provided by employers of Registered Nurses, excluding CARNA;
      • one (1) member of the public appointed from Council;
      • two (2) Registered Nurses appointed by Council; and
      • one (1) Nurse Practitioner appointed by Council.
    2. The chair of NEPAC shall be selected from the members of NEPAC by Council, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee in consultation with the committee
    3. The Chair can be either a registered member or a college appointed public member. 
  4. Prohibition on Membership

    No member of NEPAC shall be a member of a Hearing Tribunal, the Complaint Review Committee, Reinstatement Review Committee, Registration Committee, Registration Review Committee or Competence Committee.

  5. Term of Office

    1. Members of NEPAC hold office for a three (3) year term;
    2. To facilitate staggered terms, the term of one-third (1/3) of the committee will expire each year.
    3. The Committee Chair will serve for a term of two (2) years.The term of the Chair will end if their term of office ends and a successor is appointed.
    4. Members and the Committee Chair may serve for two (2) consecutive terms;
    5. A member of NEPAC continues to hold office after the expiry of the member’s term until the member is reappointed or a successor is appointed.
  6. Quorum

    1. A majority of the persons who are appointed as members of NEPAC constitute a quorum.
    2. A decision of NEPAC shall be by a vote of majority of the members present and voting at a meeting.
  7. Conduct of Meetings

    Subject to the ActRegulations and the Bylaws, NEPAC may determine its own rules respecting the calling of and conduct of its meetings, or the handling of matters related to them. NEPAC meetings are held in private unless otherwise determined by NEPAC.

  8. Confidentiality

    1. Each member of NEPAC shall keep information received by them as a member of NEPAC confidential.
    2. Information given to NEPAC shall be disclosed only in accordance with the ActRegulation, or as otherwise required by law.
    3. NEPAC may authorize the disclosure of information for statistical use when the information cannot be attributed to a particular individual or education institution.