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GP17A - Nominating Committee Charter

Policy Number: GP 17A Effective Date: April 1, 2021
Last Review Date: March 2021 Next Review Date: March 2022
Review Frequency: Annually Related Supporting Documents:  


The Nominating Committee assists the Council in ensuring the Council and Committees (Regulatory and Governance Committees) have the competencies and attributes (the experience, knowledge, skills, and character), to enable them to fulfil their roles and public protection mandate. The Nominating Committee fulfills specific roles related to the election of Council members and recommends to the Council candidates for appointment or re-appointment to Governance and Regulatory Committees. The process for Council selection is outlined in Council Selection Policy, and for Regulatory Committees, in the Regulatory Committees Selection Policy.


    1. Succession planning for the Council and Committees.
    2. Collaborating with the Council, Committee chairs, and the College staff to assess the needs of the Council and Committees.
    3. Implementing a Council-approved process that is structured, transparent, and objective for actively recruiting, evaluating, and selecting qualified, diverse candidates for appointment to Committees.
    4. Independently recruiting, vetting and recommending nominees to the Regulatory Committees, driven by needed competencies and attributes.
    5. Recommending to Council, Committee Chairs for appointment selected from among the membership of each Committee.
    6. Recommending to the Council candidates for appointment or re-appointment to Committees.
    7. Acting in accordance with applicable legislation, the College bylaws, and Council-approved principles, policies, processes, and criteria in discharging its duties.
    8. Declaring election results, resolving election disputes and fulfilling other duties related to the election of members to the Council.
    9. Making recommendations to the Council for filling Council vacancies in-between elections.
    10. Seeking the Council’s input and involving the full Council in its work on a regular basis, as appropriate.
    11. Discharging its duties in a transparent, independent, impartial, and fair manner.
    12. Reviewing the Nominating Committee’s processes on a regular basis and recommending improvements to the Council.
    13. Reviewing these Charter, no later than three years from their approval.
    14. Performing any other activities necessary to fulfil its mandate, or as may be required by the Council from time to time.

    1. The committee has authority to spend an amount of money designated annually by Council.
    2. The committee shall maintain complete neutrality in the election process.
    3. Any committee member who wishes to run for Council must resign from the committee prior to the start of the call for nominations.

    1. Council shall appoint one member of Council to serve as Chair of the committee, based on a competency-based assessment conducted by the Nominating Committee.
    2.  Six members of Council, striving for an equal membership of registered nurse members and public members.
    3. The Chair can be either a registered member or a government appointed public member.  

    1. A quorum of the Nominating Committee is a majority of members.
    2. A decision of the Nominating Committee shall be by majority vote.
  5. TERMS

    1. The Chair of the Nominating Committee is appointed for two years or until the end of the Councillor’s term, whichever is shorter.
    2. Committee members are appointed for three years or until the end of the Councillor’s term, whichever is shorter.
    3. The Chair and Committee members may serve for up to two consecutive terms.

    1. The Chair of the committee shall provide a formal report to Council following the the College election.
    2. Election results will be publicly announced by the College through various communication channels.